U.S. total broiler slaughter data for the week ending June 25 is estimated by USDA’s Poultry Market News Service to be 165,354,000 broilers, a 1-percent increase from the same week a year earlier. The 1-percent increase in slaughter compares with a 1-percent increase in eggs  set in 19 states, 10 weeks earlier, and a 1-percent increase in chicks placed 7 weeks earlier in 19 states.

Ready-to-cook (r-t-c) weight for the week ending June 18 was 696,356,000, up 4 percent.   The year-to-date r-t-c weight was 16,342,793,000,pounds, up 2 percent.  The yield from liveweight to r-t-c weight for the week  ending June 18 was 74.5 percent.

Week ending Data from 19 states U.S. broilers produced
Eggs set Chicks placed Eggs set Chicks placed Birds slaughtered Pounds produced, r-t-c
this week this week 10 weeks previous 7 weeks previous this week this week
– 000 – % – 000 – % – 000 – % – 000 – % – 000 – % – 000 – %
7 208,427 100 173,150 101 206,633 99 170,587 100 159,052 96 686,079 98
14 206,932 98 174,630 102 208,530 101 173,852 102 165,491 102 721,251 107
21 207,095 98 173,590 102 207,787 101 172,812 102 163,547 100 716,434 104
28 206,497 98 173,554 101 208,563 100 172,733 101 165,616 98 704,522 99
4 205,270 97 172,113 99 209,382 102 173,939 103 146,633 99 624,862 101
11 204,887 97 171,470 98 208,037 102 172,604 102 160,389 99 694,236 103
18 201,091 96 169,874 97 208,503 100 173,241 100 160,327 99 696,356 104
25 208,972 101 173,150 101 165,354 101

Note: Data in bold is subject to weekly revisions.  All percentage changes are compared with year earlier.