The National Chicken Council joined a group of other agriculture associations in sending a letter today to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson urging the agency to approve the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (FDEP) Numeric Nutrient Criteria for the state of Florida and to withdraw the rule entitled “Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida’s Lakes and Flowing Waters.”
The FDEP Numeric Nutrient Criteria was unanimously approved by the Florida Environmental Regulation Commission, the Florida Legislature, and signed by Governor Rick Scott.
Although the standards proposed in the FDEP rule are rigorous and will not be without cost, it is believed that these standards are achievable and will address the issue of nutrients. However, the nutrient criteria included in the EPA rule has raised considerable concern since finalized in November 2010. NCC has voiced concerns in the past about the economic impact, lack of science, and severe stringency of the Numeric Nutrient Criteria rule and has asked EPA to let the state of Florida develop its own Numeric Nutrient Criteria.
A copy of the letter sent to Administrator Jackson can be found here.