Eleven representatives of the Poultry Industry Safety & Health Council met with officials from the Occupational Safety & Health Aministration (OSHA) in Washington D.C. this week to to re-establish a dialogue with OSHA and seek opportunities to collaborate in developing future standards and industry specific programs.
The group of poultry industry safety professionals discussed the industry’s recent history of safety & health initiatives including the industry’s ergonomics, medical, and training approach to reducing cumulative trauma disorders, advancements in processing equipment technology, current on-going research, and employee outreach activities. These combined activities have resulted in a 74-percent reduction in recordable injuries in poultry processing plants since 1994.
OSHA was represented by 16 officials including Deborah Berkowitz, chief of staff; Dorothy Dougherty, director of standards and Guidance; Lyn Penniman, director of physical hazards and Tom Galassi, director of enforcement programs.
The Poultry Industry Safety and Health Joint Council is comprised of senior safety officials from companies that are members of the National Chicken Council, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, National Chicken Council, and National Turkey Federation. The council provides a strong unified voice for the poultry industry on safety and health issues and promotes information exchange between the associations and their members.