The National Chicken Council annual “Day in Washington” meeting was held this week during which NCC members and representatives from state poultry associations meet with Members of Congress to discuss issues vital to the U.S. chicken industry. This was the 15th time that Day in Washington was held, and, once again, the Capitol Hill effort was a great success.Groups of NCC members attended more than 50 Capitol Hill meetings that were scheduled on Wednesday in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
NCC members urged Members of Congress to repeal the renewable fuel standard for corn-based ethanol and pass promptly Trade Promotion Authority, which is necessary for successful TransPacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and investment Partnership agreements. NCC members also requested congressional support to defund the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards (GIPSA) Administration rule, urging their support to include language to correct the GIPSA Rule in the fiscal year 2015 appropriations bill.
“NCC’s Day in Washington is an important educational effort for Members of Congress to understand issues vital to the chicken industry, and we are most grateful to those that took the time away from their businesses to participate in this week’s Capitol Hill meetings. We are fortunate to have such engaged members,” said NCC President Mike Brown.
NCC members also left behind background information regarding the use of antibiotics in raising poultry and livestock and a status update on Chinese chicken, which involves the potential for China to process U.S.-origin chicken, or chicken originating in a country eligible to export raw poultry to the United States, such as Canada or Chile, for re-export to the United States.
Participants of Day in Washington also attended a reception in the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center kicking off the Senate Chicken Caucus. The reception was hosted by caucus co-chairs Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Johnny Isakson (R-GA).