Exports of agricultural and food products from the United States to Cuba in February 2016 were valued at US $17,847,747.00 compared to US $13,488,136.00 in February 2015, representing a 32-percent increase.

The dollar value of U.S. frozen chicken legs exported to Cuba was US $5,173,995.oo, representing 29 percent of the top seven agricultural and food products exported to Cuba.  The dollar value of frozen chicken meat exported to Cuba was US $718, 594.00, representing 4.0 percent of the top agricultural and food products.  Soybean oil cake was the top export product to Cuba at 49.6 percent.  Other top export products include calcium phosphates, soups and  broths, boxes and crates, and breads and biscuits.

This data comes from the Economic Eye on Cuba, which is a publication of the U.S. Cuba Trade and Economic Council available at 041116_EconomicEyeOnCuba (1)