USDA released its September Cold Storage report showing poultry stocks up one percent from a year ago, but down one percent from the previous month.

Further detailed information can be found below:

Frozen Chicken
Stocks in all Warehouses
(1,000 pounds)
August 31, 2023
as a percent of
31-Aug-22 31-Jul-23 31-Aug-23 31-Aug-22 31-Jul-23
Broilers, fryers, and roasters                15,813 15,656        16,206 102 104
Hens, mature chickens                  5,329         8,279          9,252 174 112
Breasts and breast meat              191,269    226,208      220,667 115 98
Drumsticks                27,596      27,691        26,453 96 96
Leg quarters                94,341      69,180        68,752 73 99
Legs                16,446      17,823        18,906 115 106
Thigh and thigh quarters                11,143         9,158        10,932 98 119
Thigh meat                14,513      16,949        15,580 107 92
Wings                80,506      62,473        66,770 83 107
Paws and feet                36,082      27,228        26,446 73 97
Other              339,376    364,921      354,927 105 97
Total Chicken              832,414    845,566      834,891 100 99


The full report can be found here.