USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) purchased bulk chicken products for their Child Nutrition and other related Domestic Food Distribution Programs.

There are two awards of note.

One was awarded on March 5, 2024. Deliveries are to be made from April 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024.

The award document can be found here.

Product Quantity UOM Price Range Total Dollars
Canned, boned chicken 1,215,000 LB $2.1266 – $2.2032 $2,628,365.63
Pouch boned chicken 44,800 CS $42.0227 – $44.7876 $1,936,967.68
TOTAL 1,259,800 LB $4,565,333.31


The second was awarded on March 6, 2024. Deliveries are to be made from July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.

The award document can be found here.

Product Quantity UOM Weighted Average Price Total Dollars
Boned pouch chicken 480,000 CS $39.5457 – $45.0989 $20,234,400.64
Frozen leg quarters 190,000 CS $28.0095 – $32.4000 $5,795,874.00
Frozen drumsticks 190,000 CS $30.3121 – $32.6400 $6,263,920.00
TOTAL 860,000 $32,294,194.64