Chicken exports in March 2023 decreased 5.5 percent in quantity and decreased 8.4 percent in value when compared with March 2022, according to USDA.

Chicken exports for March 2023 were as follows:

U.S. Chicken Exports in the Month of March
Quantity Value
2022 2023 Change 2022 2023 Change
metric tons % million dollars %
Chicken Parts 327,941 311,525 -5.0 413.88 377.33 -8.8
Prepared Chicken Sausages 7,516 6,246 -16.9 27.43 27.05 -1.4
Whole Chickens 3,286 2,337 -28.9 4.25 3.64 -14.4
Total 338,742 320,108 -5.5 445.56 408.02 -8.4


Chicken exports for January-March 2023 were as follows:

U.S. Chicken Exports in the Months of January-March
Quantity Value
2022 2023 Change 2022 2023 Change
metric tons % million dollars %
Chicken Parts 912,393 917,346 0.5 1,150.49 1,082.18 -5.9
Prepared Chicken Sausages 19,629 17,715 -9.8 70.12 75.21 7.3
Whole Chickens 12,937 5,822 -55.0 15.00 9.19 -38.7
Total 944,959 940,882 -0.4 1,235.61 1,166.58 -5.6


Chicken parts exports in March 2023 were as follows:

Destination U.S. Chicken Parts Exports for the Month of March
Quantity Value
2022 2023 Change 2022 2023 Change
metric tons % million dollars %
Mexico 56,856 60,130 5.8 62.92 62.94 0.0
China 53,567 43,924 -18.0 97.33 70.81 -27.2
Taiwan 18,623 28,126 51.0 19.76 35.42 79.3
Cuba 29,182 17,903 -38.7 25.63 16.77 -34.6
Philippines 15,137 12,900 -14.8 15.25 12.90 -15.4
Guatemala 12,562 11,572 -7.9 14.96 12.16 -18.7
Vietnam 9,547 10,848 13.6 9.02 9.83 9.0
Canada 15,400 10,592 -31.2 35.44 30.78 -13.1
Angola 9,285 7,737 -16.7 9.84 8.51 -13.5
Haiti 6,595 7,106 7.8 7.69 6.47 -15.9
Dominican Republic 5,885 6,517 10.7 8.24 6.33 -23.2
United Arab Emirates 6,878 6,328 -8.0 6.29 5.79 -7.9
Ghana 3,770 5,755 52.6 4.57 5.75 25.8
South Africa 12,162 5,323 -56.2 11.09 5.35 -51.8
Colombia 4,972 5,092 2.4 6.56 5.53 -15.7
Top 15 Countries 260,418 239,852 -7.9 334.59 295.34 -11.7
Other Countries 67,522 71,673 6.1 79.29 81.99 3.4
Grand Total 327,941 311,525 -5.0 413.88 377.33 -8.8


Chicken parts exports in January-March 2023 were as follows:

Destination U.S. Chicken Parts Exports for the Months of January-March
Quantity Value
2022 2023 Change 2022 2023 Change
metric tons % million dollars %
Mexico 156,104 179,952 15.3 176.03 175.92 -0.1
China 154,756 122,114 -21.1 280.83 197.84 -29.6
Cuba 79,275 70,045 -11.6 70.86 67.16 -5.2
Taiwan 60,056 65,939 9.8 61.37 82.81 34.9
Guatemala 36,596 35,096 -4.1 43.10 35.43 -17.8
Canada 36,367 29,735 -18.2 87.36 82.72 -5.3
Angola 33,526 28,459 -15.1 35.60 32.24 -9.4
Philippines 36,139 27,261 -24.6 36.45 27.59 -24.3
Vietnam 19,520 27,198 39.3 18.12 24.66 36.1
Haiti 20,407 25,024 22.6 25.55 22.46 -12.1
Congo (Brazzaville) 18,060 22,024 22.0 16.78 19.93 18.8
United Arab Emirates 15,375 18,381 19.6 13.78 16.49 19.7
Dominican Republic 16,464 17,446 6.0 22.54 18.35 -18.6
South Africa 24,197 17,397 -28.1 21.99 17.71 -19.5
Ghana 9,297 15,686 68.7 12.07 15.20 25.9
Top 15 Countries 716,136 701,757 -2.0 922.43 836.51 -9.3
Other Countries 196,256 215,588 9.9 228.06 245.67 7.7
Grand Total 912,393 917,346 0.5 1,150.49 1,082.18 -5.9